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details from two manuscript covers

Right: Detail, St. Matthew and St. John; Left cover of The Washington Manuscript of the Gospels. Left: Detail, St. Mark and St. Luke; Right cover of The Washington Manuscript of the Gospels.

Biblical Manuscripts Digital Image Sets

The Freer Gallery of Art holds an important set of biblical manuscripts in its collection. We are pleased to offer two digitized biblical manuscripts sets available for purchase.

Set 1: Washington Ms. III - The Four Gospels (Codex Washingtonensis)

Manuscript pages This 4th - 5th century Greek parchment manuscript is one of the oldest versions of the Gospels in the world, known as the Washington Gospels, or the Freer Manuscript of the Gospels. It is enclosed between Byzantine period painted wooden book covers painted with figures of Saints Matthew, John, Mark and Luke.

372 digital images plus book cover images on a DVD - available at the special rate of $200 plus shipping

Set 2: Washington Ms. I - Deuteronomy and Joshua (Codex Washingtonensis)

Manuscript page This early 5th-century Greek parchment codex contains the books of Deuteronomy and Joshua. The manuscript offers an early example of rubrication (writing in red ink) to emphasize divisions of a text. Chapter divisions are indicated by an enlarged initial letter.

204 digital images on a DVD - available at the special rate of $200 plus shipping

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For questions on using museum images in media stories, contact our press office at publicaffairsAsia@si.edu.

Product development

For questions about using museum images in product development, contact our shop staff at asiashops@si.edu.

Publication reprint requests

For text-based reprint requests, contact Jane Lusaka at lusakaj@si.edu or fax 202-633-0528. Only written requests will be considered.

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