Volume 44: The Arts of Death in Asia
Ars Orientalis 44, “The Arts of Death in Asia,” is grew out of a panel of the same name held at the 2012 Association of Asian Studies Annual Conference in Toronto. Guest edited by Melia Belli, this volume unites diverse representations of death in art across Asia, while maintaining that Asia is far from a monolithic entity. Volume 44 aims to cultivate new insights about death and funerary art through an in-depth discussion of art objects in their appropriate contexts.
Articles in this volume move geographically east, from modern Uzbekistan to India to China and Japan. Included are discussions of death art found in Ottoman manuscripts and among Buddhist communities in northern Thailand.
Ars Orientalis 44 also marks the launch of the journal’s first entirely digital volume. It provides extras not available in the printed volume, including additional images, video content, and “Digital Initiatives,” a column that explores digital tools, research resources, publications, and learning opportunities in art history and related fields, with a special focus on topics relevant to Ars Orientalis readers. A complement to the printed volume, digital Ars Orientalis offers subscribers a new design and easily maneuverable features.
Nancy Micklewright
Nachiket Chanchani
Louise Cort
Debra Diamond
Marian Feldman
Jennifer Robertson
Avinoam Shalem
Jane Lusaka
Edna Jamandre
Zeynep Simavi
Ars Orientalis
Freer Gallery of Art
Smithsonian Institution
P.O. Box 37012, MRC 707
Washington, D.C 20013-7012
For deliveries
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1050 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20560
Issn 0571-1371
Printed in the United States of America
© 2014 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C
In this volume
Between Heaven And Hell: Salvation, Damnation, And
Memorialization In The Arts Of Death
In Memoriam: Dr. Melanie Michailidis (1966–2013)
Dynastic Politics And The Samanid Mausoleum
Signs Of The Hour: Eschatological Imagery In Islamic Book Arts
An Unusual Group Of Hero Stones: Commemorating Self-Sacrifice At Mallam, Andhra Pradesh
Monumental Pride: Mayawati’s Memorials In Lucknow
The Political Culture Of A Scroll: Jien’s Appropriation Of Kitano Tenjin
The Eternal Link: Grave Goods Of The Koryŏ Kingdom (918–1392 Ce)
Onward Toward Heaven: Burning The Nok Hatsadiling
Encounters with Digital Art History
Hussein Keshani
Beautiful Data
Steven Lubar
Digital Art History Boot Camp
Nancy Micklewright
Digital Mapping and Art History
Stephen Whiteman