introduction (FREE ACCESS)
Between Heaven and Hell: Salvation, Damnation and Memorialization in the Arts of Death
In Memoriam
Dr. Melanie Michailidis (1966–2013)
Digital Initiatives
Keshani, Lubar, Micklewright, Whiteman
Dynastic Politics and the Samanid Mausoleum
Melanie Michailidis
Signs of the Hour: Eschatological Imagery in Islamic Book Arts
Christiane Gruber
An Unusual Group of Hero Stones: Commemorating Self-Sacrifice at Mallam, Andhra Pradesh
Mary Storm
Monumental Pride: Mayawati's Memorials in Lucknow
Melia Belli
The Political Culture of a Scroll: Jien’s Appropriation of Kitano Tenjin
Ikumi Kaminishi
Claims of Buddhist Relics in the Eastern Han Tomb Murals at Horinger: Issues in the Historiography of the Introduction of Buddhism to China
Minku Kim
The Eternal Link: Grave Goods of the Koryŏ Kingdom (918–1392 CE)
Charlotte Horlyck
Onward toward Heaven: Burning the Nok Hatsadiling
Rebecca Hall